Hints & Tips - Knitting

Hints And Tips For Handicrafts - Knitting
Below are some bullet point tips for the knitting classes.
- Think about the project and how you will display it.
- Make sure you have the correct tension, you may need to alter the needle size depending on the wool you are using and the tension you knit at.
- When doing a patterned item make sure that you are consistent with the pattern, cables are twisted in the same way for all pieces of the item.
- When knitting with different colours make sure that the different colours are carefully weaved at the back of the item so that they cannot be seen on the front of the item.
Making up
- If picking up stitches for ribs or neck bands make sure they are picked up evenly along the edge.
- Make sure seams, edges and patterns are matched. Try to use the same colour as the stitches so the sewing up doesn’t show
- When adding buttons etc make sure they complement the item.
- When the item is finished double check there are no ends showing and all pins have been removed.
- Where possible the reverse of the work should be available for inspection.
If you are unsure about any abbreviations on the pattern YouTube is a great place to find a demo.
Happy Knitting