The Allotments Association Annual General Meeting is held on a Sunday morning following the Spring Work-In. This is the only formal business meeting for all Plotholders and we encourage as many as possible to attend. This is your opportunity to participate in the running of the allotment site and to elect the committee who arrange the events and are responsible for day-to-day operations of the site. Since 2012 we have been able to conduct the AGM in the covered are on the allotment site and we always welcome a representative from the Parish Council to our meeting.
We strive to keep the meeting as informal as possible and we always have a buffet lunch with the odd glass of wine or beer following the close of the meeting.
The Allotments Association encourages members to submit questions and ideas to improve the facilities on the allotment site.
The minutes from the AGM can be found on our Meeting Minutes Page along with the minutes of all other committee meetings