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We publish a monthly newsletter containing both garden and allotment news and advice as part of our service to the community, along with advertising events that are being organised and other notifications and warnings as deemed necessary.

Newsletter - December 2017

28 November 2017


1977 to 2017 “We’ve been growing for 40 years”

Read more on Newsletter - December 2017

Newsletter - November 2017

31 October 2017


1977 to 2017 “We’ve been growing for 40 years”

Read more on Newsletter - November 2017

Garden News - October 2017

2 October 2017


 1977 to 2017 “We’ve been growing for 40 years”

E-mail capel.allotments@btinternet.com      www.capelallotments.co.uk

Read more on Garden News - October 2017

Kings Seeds Visit 22 June 2017

25 September 2017

Kings Seeds Visit 22 June 2017 - Combined invites from the Garden Club and Allotments Association

Read more on Kings Seeds Visit 22 June 2017

Show Entries Closed

29 August 2017

Thank you to everyone who has submitted their entries for the show this weekend.

Read more on Show Entries Closed

Association News - September 2017

27 August 2017


Show Schedules are now available for the Capel St Mary Allotment Association's Annual Show which will take place on the weekend of 2nd & 3rd September in the Village Hall. Entries from non-members are welcome to what is one of the Region's best-supported Flower & Produce Shows. Once again, the Show will feature over 120 classes including produce, fruit, handicraft, cookery, photography, mammoth, novelty and children's classes. All sections are open for anyone to enter except the Capel Residents classes that are only open to those who grow flowers and produce in Capel. There is a Fruit section with separate classes for Apples and Pears, Blackberries, Raspberries and Plums. The Flower Arrangement classes will test creative skills and visitors to the Show always enjoy looking at many colourful exhibits. The Photography section is very popular and there are 4 classes, so early planning is advisable. The Cookery classes include some old favourites and jars of jam and preserves. Why not get the children started on the many different options .This year's Capel Allotments Association Annual Show is the 40th to be held, making it one of the longest established Shows from around the Region. Admission is free to members of the public on both days from 11am. Show Schedules are available from the "Hut" at the Association's Allotment Site in Pound Lane, Capel, or from the Show Secretary.

Read more on Association News - September 2017

Garden News - September 2017

27 August 2017



1977 to 2017 “We’ve been growing for 40 years”


Onion Sets and Spring Bulbs - Cut down uncultivated areas and spray regrowth with Bio Glyphosate (100ml £1) ready for next season. Scatter slug pellets (835g £2). Water plants thoroughly in dry weather, do not waste time & water by indiscriminate spraying. Feed containers weekly with Maxicrop liquid feed (£2.50ltr) . Stock up with lumpwood charcoal (12kg now only £9) for those late summer barbecues.

Read more on Garden News - September 2017

Best Kept Allotment - 2017

14 August 2017

The results for the 2017 Best Kept Allotment are in and the winners list is available on "The Show" page

Read more on Best Kept Allotment - 2017

Garden News - August 2017

2 August 2017

Hoe weekly to stop weed seeds germinating. Cut down uncultivated areas and spray re-growth with Bio Glyphosate (100ml £1) ready for next season. Scatter slug pellets (845g £2). Apply path weed killer (£1.20 a sachet). Water plants thoroughly, do not waste time & water by indiscriminate spraying. Top-dress containers with horticultural 4mm grit (£5). Feed weekly with Maxicrop (£2.50 ltr) or Phostrogen (160 can £4.30). If going on holiday arrange for a friend to water plants in containers, frames, greenhouse, outdoor tomatoes, marrow's, courgettes & cucumbers. Tell them to pick ALL sweet peas, courgettes, french & runner beans as these will stop producing if left on the plant. Stock up with ‘Restaurant Quality’ lump wood charcoal (12kg £9) for those impromptu barbecues.

Read more on Garden News - August 2017