Growing in Capel St. Mary
We publish a monthly newsletter containing both garden and allotment news and advice as part of our service to the community, along with advertising events that are being organised and other notifications and warnings as deemed necessary.
Tribute to Graham Whybrow who died tragically on Sunday 23rd May 2021
Clear weeds with Weedol £4.90, or ready mixed, 1ltr £3.30 or Bio Glyphosate (100ml £1). Rotovate cleared areas (Cultivator available on site @ £10 for the first two hours). Scatter slug pellets (824g £2.50 & £4). Rake in 4oz sq. yd. Growmore (5kg £4.50) prior to sowing or planting. Kill weeds on paths, patios and drives (Path Clear £2 1ltr rtu). Set up the barbecue (12kg lump wood charcoal £10). Protect fruit & plants from bird attacks with bird netting from 80p per meter. Check the water softener and top up with salt (25kg £8.50 and 2 x 4kg blocks @ £5). Water plants thoroughly with an open ended watering can, do not waste time & water by indiscriminate spraying by using a rose once seedlings have emerged. Seed potatoes will not need watering until June at the earliest.