We publish a monthly newsletter containing both garden and allotment news and advice as part of our service to the community, along with advertising events that are being organised and other notifications and warnings as deemed necessary.
Following on from the success of the previous two years when the SSALG stand at the Suffolk Show won a Silver Guilt and a Gold Medal, Dennis Smith and Graham Whybrow, from Capel St Mary Allotments, were again asked to grow the plants to fill the raised beds. At a meeting of the SSALG held before Christmas Graham proposed an L shaped design with five red wheelbarrows elevated on a stand-alone plinth around an 8 ‘ high white flowered runner bean wigwam. He also suggested that two 8’ x 4’ photo boards were used in the right hand corner of the plot depicting 160 photographs taken over a 12 month period, which he had been working on for Capel Allotments web site, of vegetables, flowers & fruit at different stages of growth to give a ‘wow’ effect to visitors as they progressed through the flower tent. Ray & Tom Bedwell, Sylvie Bettsworth, Mick Webb & Pam Rushbrook would supply and display the support material, a table, chairs and sun brolly to complete the display & man the stand along with Charles & Brenda Heath, Christine Hussey, Philippa & Mike Brandon & Karen Kenny. Kings Seeds very generously provided the seeds required to grow all the plants need for the display and a box full of seed packets to give out over the two day event.
In mid-March Dennis and Graham began sowing 300 pots of plants in the Polytunnel at Capel. With many successes, and a few failures, these were tended for the next 10 weeks, thinning out & watering, sometimes twice a day. They also had trial runs of radish & cress in egg shells to get the timing right.
Along with the arrival of summer, we are pleased to announce our summer newsletter for 2017 is now available and can be accessed here. Please take time to read this and if you have any comments please feel free to email us using one of the email addresses on our contacts page.