We publish a monthly newsletter containing both garden and allotment news and advice as part of our service to the community, along with advertising events that are being organised and other notifications and warnings as deemed necessary.
THE VEG PLOT: - Continue with your winter digging incorporating well-rotted manure or composted garden waste. Apply bone-meal at 4oz sq. yd. Sow peas and broad beans. Plant rhubarb, cover with strawy-manure. Feed with sulphate of ammonia and cover crowns with boxes or buckets to encourage early growth. When it is too cold, wet or dark to go outside map out where you are intending to grow your vegetables this year trying to rotate the crops whenever possible to reduce the risk of disease. Check sowing dates on packets of seed and band together in months for easy reference. Harvest broccoli, sprouts, cabbage, swede, carrots, celery, leeks and parsnips. Empty compost bins.
VEG PLOT: - Continue winter digging. Mushroom Compost is available at £39 a ‘Bucket’ load delivered to the Pound Lane site; call 01473 310380 to order from Capel Mushrooms. Sow or plant lettuce under cloches. Check brassicas for white fly and spray as necessary. Harvest sprouts and winter cabbage. Leeks and parsnips can be left in the ground until needed.