The work-in provides the opportunity for plotholders to help maintain the fabric of the site. By volunteering our time and strength we help to keep the cost of renting a plot down as much as possible, as otherwise the Parish Council would have to fund the maintenance and this would be reflected in higher rental payments. We hold two work-ins a year, one in the spring and another in the autumn, these are held on a Sunday morning with mid-morning refreshments being provided to keep us going.
It is a great opportunity to meet fellow plotholders, who we might otherwise not get the chance to see as their plots are on a different part of the site. As an incentive, plotholders who participate in one of the work-ins receive a reduction in their rent for the following year.
Our site manager manages to generate an interesting list of tasks that we would like to be completed, It is always amazing what great improvements can be made in a short period of time (many hands make light work). Additional helpers are always welcome, the work-in is advertised to plotholders via email a few weeks before the event, so watch your mailbox for details of the next one and come and join us for a morning of companionship, fun and some hard work.