Please contact Dennis on NOW
VEG PLOT :- Pick frost tender crops, clear ground & get started on your winter digging incorporating well rotted manure, composted garden waste or mushroom compost. Plant spring cabbage & Japanese onion sets, also lettuce in ground enriched with Bonemeal (5kg £4). Sow lettuce under cloches.
FRUIT :- Apply grease bands (1.75m, £4.20) or fruit tree grease @ £4.20 a 200g tub, now. Cut back to the ground fruited raspberry, blackberry & tayberry canes & tie in new shoots. Take cuttings of red, white & black currents & gooseberries. Order trees & bushes.
GREENHOUSE :- Pick last of tomato, cucumber, pepper & aubergines. Empty greenhouse & wash down with Jeyes (300 ml £4.95) . Line with 1.5m wide bubble plastic (£2 a mtr.) Bring in all frost tender plants. Try sowing spring onions, raddish, carrots, mange tout and lettuce in large pots, transplant lettuce to gro-bags, bags of compost or large pots or under clouches when big enough.
FLOWERS :- Plant spring flowering bulbs in pots (multi-purpose compost £5, Peat Free £5 or john Innes £4) or outside as soon as space is available. Remove summer bedding and put in compost bin. Plant wallflowers, sweet williams, pansy’s, viola & heather's by the 20th while the ground is still warm. Sow sweet peas. Mulch borders with wood chips & mulching material which is available FREE of charge to our members from the allotments site or chipped bark at £5 for an 80ltr bag. Divide perennials.
LAWNS:- Re-seed worn areas (grass seed £4 per kg.) spray with an Iron Sulphate solution of 30g per litre of water per 5sqm of lawn to treat moss. Aerate & scarify with a wire rake. Apply a dressing of builders sharp sand at £2, an autumn feed, 5Kg treats 70sq mtrs ( £5.50 ). Mow with blades set at medium height.
All horticultural items are available to our members from a range of quality products provided to meet basic gardening needs.
Half plots are available NOW at £16 per annum plus membership. So if you fancy a go at ‘Growing Your Own’ please contact Dennis on
The final work-in of the year starts at 9am on Sunday 13th October. Refreshments provided. Hedge trimming, grass cutting, post replacing, soil shifting, pond clearing, painting & any other task we can find &. you get a discount on your plot rental .
MEMBERSHIP - Membership is just £5 per annum. If your would like to join the Association please log on to our web site at where you will find an application form. If not already done we will be collecting subscriptions and plot rentals over the next few weeks.
THE HUT - winter closing - We remain open 10-12 noon on Saturdays throughout October for our members and then you will need to phone Graham for all your gardening requirements - Fleece at 30p a meter, Bubble plastic (£2), in fact our full range of garden products and tools and other sundry items such as :- 25 kg of Water softener salt for £8.50, Block Salt £5, 3 kg Wild Bird Seed £1.50 & 2 kg Pea Nuts £3.50 & 25kg of solid fuel for £7.50
SAVE ££££££££’s - AUTUMN SEED SCHEME - If you regularly buy vegetable and flower seeds from us you will know that this scheme can bring you huge savings on normal retail prices which can save you several ££££’s.Your seed potato orders need to be with us by the 15th October. PAPER seed orders by 5th november to phil or online as soon as you are ready. contact phil for your personal access discount code ‘if you have lost or havn’t go one.
ROTOVATOR AND CULTIVATOR HIRE - A rotovator and a cultivator are available for hire for on site use only. The fee is £10 for the first 2 hours. To hire this equipment please give Dennis as much notice as possible or for any matters relating to the site please contact Dennis.
AND FINALLY ……..This year the show report, winners & photos are already on our refurbished web sit. Go there now by visiting CAPEL ST MARY ALLOTMENTS ASSOCIATION