VEG PLOT: - Pick frost tender crops, clear ground and get started on winter digging incorporating well-rotted manure, composted garden waste or mushroom compost (contact Capel Mushrooms on 01473 310380 for more details). Sow broad beans, lettuce under cloches and peas under fleece. Plant garlic cloves. Apply slug pellets selectively. Cut back yellowing asparagus foliage to 2". Feed compost heaps with sulphate of ammonia.
FRUIT: - Apply a Winter Tree Wash to fruit trees and bushes to control over-wintering insect pests. Remove summer fruited raspberry canes and tie in new shoots. Order and plant trees and bushes with a dusting of bone meal.
GREENHOUSE: - Empty greenhouse and wash down with Jeyes. Line with 1.5m wide bubble plastic. Bring in all frost tender plants. Check for and spray white fly. Apply slug pellets selectively. Wash all pots and trays in Jeyes. Try sowing carrots, spring onions, radish and lettuce in large pots, transplant lettuce when large enough. Polytunnel plot holders please clear all summer crops by Christmas.
FLOWERS: - Plant spring flowering bulbs in pots or outside as soon as space is available. Plant wallflowers, sweet williams, carnations, pinks, pansies, polyanthus and heathers. Sow sweet peas. Mulch borders with chipped bark. Divide perennials.
LAWNS: - Re-seed worn areas. Aerate and scarify with a wire rake. Apply an autumn feed. Mow with blades set at medium height
Any member wishing to order seeds via our dedicated scheme are encouraged to do so by 15th November. Orders can be placed online or via traditional paper copy. Please contact Phil Hickley for more information.
AUTUMN Work-In 20th October 2024
Thanks to everyone who signed up to join us for the Autumn Work-In. There are always plenty of jobs that need doing so even if you weren't able to come along, site manager Martin Leech will still be able to find a suitable job for you if you're interested. Contact Martin for more information.
Message From out site manager...
May I take this opportunity to say thank you to the plot holders who attended the work-in on Sunday 20th October, despite the threatening weather.
As it turned out, we made great progress with turning around plot 9A. We rabbit-proofed the tool shed and repaired the floor of the table-store. There was also lots of painting and tidying done.
Thank-you everyone, with a special thanks to Di Leach (no relation) for the fantastic food.
You are all stars. Martin Leech
THE HUT- winter closing
‘The Hut’ will re-open for the next season on Saturday 1st February 2025 although, over the winter period we will continue to open the Hut on the second Saturday of each month in November (9th), December (14th) and January (11th) between 10am and 12 noon. Outside of these dates, members are welcome to contact Dennis for items they require, and order - preferably using the 'click and collect' facility.
We supply a selection of feeds to encourage wild birds into your garden.
2024 - The full list of major prize winners, winners of the individual classes, best kept allotment and details of previous mammoth vegetable record breakers along with grand prize draw winners, hut draw winners and a range of pictures from the Show can now be found on our web site:
2025 - The dates for next year's Show are confirmed - Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th September 2025.
For those interested in the 2025 photography classes, these have been decided and are as follows:
All photographs to be colour, minimum size 150 x 100mm / 6" x 4" and maximum size 190 x 130mm / 7.5" x 5". Must be mounted and taken within the last 12 months.
For those interested in the 2025 handicraft classes, these are as follows: