Half plots are available NOW at £16 per annum plus membership. So if you live in or near Capel & fancy a go at ‘Growing Your Own’ please contact Dennis at
Thurs 27th, Fri 28th Nov & Sunday 1st Dec. All in price £15. See Notice Board
or Call Sue for details. (Or ready-made wreath £12)
VEG PLOT: - Pick frost tender crops, clear ground & get started on your winter digging incorporating well-rotted manure, composted garden waste or mushroom compost (phone 310380 for a £30 ‘Bucket’ load delivered to your plot). Sow broad beans, lettuce under cloches & peas under fleece (from 30p mtr.) Plant garlic cloves. Apply slug pellets (840g £2.50). Cut back yellowing asparagus foliage to 2". Feed compost heaps with sulphate of ammonia (5kg £3.50).
FRUIT: - Apply a Winter Tree Wash (500ml £11) to fruit trees and bushes to control over-wintering insect pests. Remove summer fruited blackberry, tayberry & raspberry canes, & tie in new shoots. Order & plant trees & bushes with a dusting of bone meal (5kg £4).
GREENHOUSE: - Empty greenhouse & wash down with Jeyes (300ml £4). Line with 1.5m wide bubble plastic (ONLY £2 per mtr). Bring in all frost tender plants. Check for & spray white fly with an Insect Gun (£3.80) or Sprayday (30ml £6.30) Apply slug pellets. Wash all pots & trays in Jeyes. Try sowing carrots, spring onions, radish and lettuce in large pots, transplant lettuce when large enough.
FLOWERS: - Plant spring flowering bulbs in pots (compost £5) or outside as soon as space is available. Plant wallflowers, sweet Williams, carnations, pinks, pansy’s, polyanthus & heather's. Sow sweet peas. Mulch borders with wood chips or chipped bark (80ltrs £5). Divide perennials. Ventilate chrysanthemum stools in cold frames.
LAWNS: - Re-seed worn areas (grass seed £4 per kg.) Aerate & scarify with a wire rake. Apply a dressing of sharp sand (£2), an autumn feed, 5kg treats 70sq mtrs (£5.50). Mow with blades set at medium height.
All items are available to our members from a range of quality products provided to meet basic gardening needs. Also available: - Water softener salt (25 kg £8.50), blocks £5, 5kg bags of Dishwasher & Icy Path Salt (£1.90).
Polytunnel plot holders:- Please clear all summer crops by Christmas.
MEMBERSHIP - Membership is just £5 per annum. If you would like to join the Association please log on to our web site at where you will find an application form.
SAVE ££££££££’s - AUTUMN SEED SCHEME - Please remember to get your paper order to phil by the 5th november. or order online after getting your personal access code from phil.
AUTUMN Work-In 13th October 2019 - Thanks to everyone who were able to join us for the Autumn Work-In. We laid a new path, re-built the road planning’s bin & cleared out the pond & cut back the wild life area and we found time to enjoy a steaming mug of tea or coffee, a freshly made bacon buttie, biscuits & some fruit.
THE HUT-winter closing - ‘The Hut’ is now closed for the winter and will reopen on Saturday 1st February 2020. Members are very welcome to phone Graham any time for any items they require while we are closed. LAST CHANCE TO BUY 20kg 6X CHICKEN PELLETS @ £10 wsl. (2020 stock will be £11 a bag (best price I can find else ware is £15.95)
FEED THE BIRDS - In addition to garden sundries we also supply a choice of feeds to encourage wild birds into your garden. We have 3 kilo bags of Wild Bird Seed (£1.50, 12.5kg £5), Black Sunflower Seeds (£3, 12.75kg £12) and 2kg Pea Nuts (£3.50), & Fat Balls (10p each, bag of 20 £1.50).