Allotment News - May 2020
Members please check your emails & our web site for COVID 19 updates.
Hand Wash Stations near ‘The Hut’ & at the BBQ.
Please let us know if you can’t tend you plot.
MEMBERS PICNIC on the PLOT Postponed.
Garden News - May 2020
Runners, French, Climbers, Courgettes, Lettuce, Sweetcorn, Bedding Plants Available from early-May
Clear weeds with Weedol £4.90, or ready mixed, 1ltr £2 or Bio Glyphosate (100ml £1). Rotovate cleared areas (Cultivator available on site @ £10 for the first two hours). Scatter slug pellets (800g £2.50 & £4). Rake in 4oz sq. yd. Growmore (5kg £4.50) prior to sowing or planting. Kill weeds on paths, patios and drives (r.t.u £2). Set up the barbecue (12kg lump wood charcoal £10). Protect fruit & plants from bird attacks with bird netting from £1.40 per meter. Check the water softener and top up with salt (25kg £8.50 and 2 x 4kg blocks @ £5). Water plants thoroughly with an open ended watering can, do not waste time & water by indiscriminate spraying by using a rose once seedlings have emerged. Seed potatoes will not need watering until June at the earliest.
VEG PLOT: - Plant cauliflower, cabbage, sprouts, Calabrese, kale, main crop potatoes & celery. Sow or plant runner beans to grow up 8' canes (60p) set in two rows 2 ½ to 3 feet apart, cross canes as low as 3 feet from the ground to allow the maximum number of beans to hang outwards and grow straight for easy picking and for the show bench. Tie in other canes at 45o and through the cross over point to strengthen the structure. Sow salad crops, French beans, marrow, pumpkin, courgette, squashes, cucumbers, sweet corn, turnip, swede & carrots. Cover potatoes if frost is forecast or water early in the morning before the sun damages the frozen leaves. Sow fennel, basil & dill. Harvest broad beans, spouting broccoli, cauliflowers, radish, lettuce & asparagus. Thin seeds sown in April. Gloves from £3 are available to protect your hands.
FRUIT: - Spray fruit trees which are affected by mildew, scab, aphids or codling moth (traps from £5.50). Check for caterpillars, black fly and red spider mites and spray with Bug Killer rtu (1ltr £3.50), Bio Sprayday (30ml £7.80) or organic bug killer Agralan 500ml £6. When fruit has set apply a nitrogen feed & water in dry spells. Put straw around strawberries to protect fruit.
GREENHOUSE: - Ventilate, provide shade & increase humidity. Sow melons, cucumber & sweet corn. Prick out half-hardy annuals into 12, 15 or 40 cell tray inners (10p & 20p) or pots (from 5p). Full size rigid trays (£1.70) & half size flexi's @ 10p are available. Feed established plants weekly with liquid feed (£2.50 per litre), Phostrogen (£4.60 while stocks last). Support plants with 2' green canes (70p per 15). Pinch out tips of fuchsias after two pairs of leaves. Control insect pests with a rtu. Insect Gun @ £2. Plant tomato, cucumber, pepper & aubergine plants in grow bags @ £2.80. Feed weekly when fruits begin to swell with tomato feed (£2.50 per litre.) Plant melons in cold frames or in pots on greenhouse bench and let trail down, pinch out growing tip at four leaf stage. Keep main stem dry.
FLOWERS: - Move spring bulbs to a temporary site and feed with Growmore or Blood, Fish & Bone. Sow hardy annuals & bi-annuals. Tie in sweet peas to grow up 6' canes (30p each). Cut back flowered heather's & mulch with peat. Plant up containers with summer bedding (75ltr Compost £5, and 50ltr peat free £6) protect from late frosts with fleece from 30p a meter or make sure you water the plants using a rose before the sun touches them, incorporate slow release feed at £4.80 a kilo. Stake tall herbaceous plants (4' canes 30p) or support with twigs or pea and bean netting @ 30p per mtr. Mulch borders.
LAWNS: - Mow weekly. Apply a liquid or granular lawn treatment. 5kg of feed for £6 to treat 140sq mtrs. 20kg Weed, Feed & Moss Killer at £23 When applying a granular treatment remember to water it in if it has not rained within 48 hours of applying. Liquid feed or lawn weed killer available from £2.50 & £8.
All horticultural items are only available to our members from a range of quality products provided to meet basic gardening needs.