E-mail info@capelallotments.co.uk
Summer Flower Workshops - See the notice at "The Hut"
Hoe weekly to stop weed seeds germinating. Cut down uncultivated areas and spray re-growth with Bio Glyphosate (100ml £1) ready for next season. Scatter slug pellets (845g £2.50). Apply path clear weed killer
(£1.20 a sachet). Water plants thoroughly with an open ended watering can or hose, do not waste time & water by indiscriminate spraying. Top-dress containers with horticultural grit (£5). Feed weekly with Maxicrop (£2.50 ltr) or Phostrogen (160 cans now half our normal price just £4.30). If going on holiday arrange for a friend to water plants in containers, frames, greenhouse, outdoor tomatoes, marrow's, courgettes & cucumbers. Tell them to pick ALL sweet peas, courgettes, french & runner beans as these will stop producing if left on the plant. Stock up with Restaurant Grade lump wood charcoal @ just £10 for a 12kg bag for those impromptu barbecues.
VEG PLOT: - Plant cabbage, sprouts, broccoli & leeks & 2nd early potatoes for Christmas, earth up when frosts kill tops. Sow salad crops, parsley, french beans & carrots. Pinch out side shoots of non-bush tomatoes, place straw under bush varieties, tie plants regularly to their 4' support canes (30p). Feed weekly. Spray potatoes, & outdoor tomatoes, every 14 days (£1 a sachet) when leaves touch to protect against potato blight. Lift shallots when foliage dies back; dry in the sun ready for pickling. Thin seeds sown in June.
FRUIT: - Watch for red spider mite (organic spray £2) & codling moth. Check for insects and spray with Sprayday (30 ml £6.30). Protect fruit & plants from bird attacks with 8 meter wide bird netting (£2.70 mtr) or 4 mtr wide Butter fly Net @ £2. Pick soft fruit & tie in new shoots. Tidy strawberry's by removing & burning old leaves & straw. Apply 2 oz. sq. yd. Growmore (5kg £4.50). Dig up three year old stock & destroy. Create a new bed from rooted runners on well manured ground now for a good crop next year.
GREENHOUSE: - Ventilate, provide shade & maintain humidity. Water daily. Take softwood & semi-ripe cuttings. Insert into sandy compost (potting grit £5, Compost £5) in pots (from 5p). Full size rigid trays @ £1.70 & half size flexi's @ 10p are available. Support plants with 2' green canes . Control insects with a ready to use Insect Gun (1ltr £3.50). Tie tomato, cucumber, pepper & aubergine plants to their support canes with pvc plant rings. Feed weekly when fruits begin to swell with tomato feed (£2.50 per ltr.) or Tomorite 1ltr. £3.50. Stop the side shoots on melons @ 18”. Hand pollinate when each shoot has a female flower (brushes 10p). Keep main stem dry. Sow Peas / Mange tout / Sugar snap in compost in guttering for quick germination, water well and slide into a shallow trench outside when 3cm tall.
FLOWERS:-Remove old heads to keep them flowering. Tie in sweet peas. Feed roses after first flush of flowers (2kg rose feed £2). Stake tall herbaceous plants. Mulch borders with chipped bark (90ltr £6) or peat.
LAWNS: - Mow weekly. Apply a granular feed (5kg treats 140sq mtrs for £5.50) or Lawn weed killer, Verdone 500ml £7.
All horticultural products are available to our members from a range of quality commodities provided to meet basic gardening needs.
Summer Flower Workshops - Come and make a beautiful hand tied bouquet & a table centre using freshly picked cottage garden flowers. Inclusive price £15. 27th June to 25th July. 9.30 to Lunchtime - Contact Sue for more details & to book a place.
The "PHOTOGRAPHY TROPHY" - Subjects for 2019:- A Suffolk Sky, A Single Flower, Colourful Vegetables, A Suffolk Beach, A Picture of Your Choice.
All photographs to be colour, minimum size 150x100mm/6" x 4" and maximum size 190 x 130mm/7.5" x 5" and mounted and taken within the last eighteen months.
OPENING TIMES - THE HUT is open 10-12 noon on SATURDAYS ONLY from July until the end of October.
MEMBERSHIP - 80% of our members do not have an allotment but still enjoy the benefits of our bulk buy prices and seed scheme. Membership is just £5 per annum
ROTOVATOR AND CULTIVATOR HIRE - A rotovator and a cultivator are available for hire for on-site use only. The fee is £10 for the first two hours. Hire time runs from handover and ceases when the machine is returned to the machinery shed. Please give Dennis advance notice to hire this equipment or for any matters relating to the site please contact Dennis
‘THE BONFIRE SITE’ - Plotholders & co-workers please note that this is now CLOSED & re-opens on Monday 5th August. Please keep waste materials on your plot.
POND & WILD LIFE AREA - Watch out for damsel & dragon flies, frogs & newts. Check the information boards if you see something interesting that you can’t identify.
PLOTS - HALF PLOTS are available at £16 per annum. If you live in Capel or the surrounding area & fancy a go at ‘Growing Your Own’ please contact Dennis at site.manager@capelallotments.co.uk
Summer BBQ - All this for our Members & their guests for just £9.50
For Members & their guests. Join us from 5.30pm at the Pound Lane Allotments Site on Saturday July 27th. Join in the ‘free’ games, quiz, treasure hunt & ‘BEST DRESSED TABLE’ competition (this year’s theme is COLOURS) & Pig Racing (£1 a ride) or just sit back and relax.
A three course meal (plus cheese board) will be served from around 7.30pm. Tickets at £9.50 each are available from ‘The Hut’, info@capelallotments.co.uk. or Graham
Use ‘The scarecrow Tavern’ (Mauldons Draft Real Ale £1.50 a pint, ICE COLD Lagers from £1 & Wine £1 a glass, £5 a bottle & soft drinks at 50p) or B.Y.O drinks if you prefer. Free Teas & Coffee available all night from our ‘pop-up kitchen’. Limited seating will be available so please bring your own.
Sample menu & bar tariff on our web site.
Tickets are going fast so book now if you would like to join us: