VEG PLOT: - Continue winter digging. Mushroom Compost is available at £35 a ‘Bucket’ load delivered to the Pound Lane site; call 01473 310380 to order from Capel Mushrooms. Sow or plant lettuce under cloches. Check brassicas for white fly and spray as necessary. Harvest sprouts and winter cabbage. Leeks and parsnips can be left in the ground until needed.
FRUIT: - Apply a Winter Tree Wash to fruit trees and bushes. Plant trees and bushes with a dusting of bone meal.
GREENHOUSE: - Empty and wash down with Jeyes fluid. Line with bubble plastic. Bring in all frost tender plants. Check for white fly. Sow carrots in a pot and main crop onions and leeks in trays around Boxing Day.
FLOWERS: - Tidy borders and mulch. Wrap potted plants in fleece.
LAWNS: - Aerate badly drained areas. Mow with blades set high. Clean and overhaul equipment. Contact Steve Blake for repairs and service on 07813 814623 or TGCGarden Machinery Services at Tattingstone for repairs and service and new equipment at very competitive prices on01473 327737. CARE. STALE FUEL OVER 4 WEEKS OLD can damage carburettors and cause poor starting.
All horticultural product items are available to our members from a range of quality providers to meet basic gardening needs. Membership is just £5 per annum. Find an application form on our web site.
THE HUT is now closed for the winter but will open once a month over the winter period on Saturday December 9th December and Saturday 13th January from 10am to 12 noon. We will also be using a 'click and collect' facility so that you can collect your order on one of these dates or a pre-arranged date agreed with Dennis. A limited delivery service will be available to those members who are physically unable to attend THE HUT to collect their order. THE HUT will reopen for the new growing season on Saturday 3rd February 2022.
AND FINALLY We hope you have had a productive year and are looking forward to the new season. We have already ordered our stock for ‘The Hut’ and we are in advanced stages of preparation for next year's Annual Show.