Onion Sets and Spring Bulbs - Cut down uncultivated areas and spray regrowth with Bio Glyphosate (100ml £1) ready for next season. Scatter slug pellets (835g £2). Water plants thoroughly in dry weather, do not waste time & water by indiscriminate spraying. Feed containers weekly with Maxicrop liquid feed (£2.50ltr) . Stock up with lumpwood charcoal (12kg now only £9) for those late summer barbecues.
VEG PLOT :- Get started on your winter digging. Plant spring cabbage & Japanese onion sets which mature in June (sorry we will not be offering these for sale at the hut) . Sow hardy salad onions, red cabbage & parsley also lettuce & carrots to be covered with a cloche in October. Start digging up your late potatoes before it gets too wet. 25kg Potato sacks available at 40p each and veg/onion bags 30p.
FRUIT :- Apply grease bands @£4.50 or fruit tree grease @£4.50 a 200g tub now. Pick soft fruit & tie in new shoots. Remove fruited canes & feed with potash. Prune apples, pears, peach, plum & damsons.Order new plants, try Autumn raspberries which are very prolific & don’t need protecting from the birds.
GREENHOUSE :- Remove shading. Take cuttings of shrubs, heather's, geraniums & fuchsias. Insert into open sandy compost (potting grit £5, Compost £5) in pots (from 3p). Full size rigid trays @ £1.30 & half size flexi's @ 10p are available. Control aphids with a r.t.u Insect Spray (£3). Feed tomato, cucumber, pepper & aubergine's plants weekly with tomato feed (£2.50ltr.). Remove leaves from tomato plants to allow fruit to ripen. Plant up Strawberry runners in pots for an early crop in the Spring. Sow carrots, beetroot, raddish or spring onions thinly in large pots and keep watered for a winter crop.
FLOWERS :-Plant spring flowering bulbs in pots (compost £5, grit £5) or outside as soon as space is available. Remove summer bedding when damaged by frost and put in your compost bin. Dig flower beds and feed with chicken pellets (20kg £8.90) Plant Wallflowers, Sweet Williams, Polyanthus and Pansy's by the 20th October while the soil is still warm. This will allow the plants to develop a strong root system before Winter. Control insects with Bio Sprayday (30ml £5.90). Mulch borders with chipped bark (£5)or peat (£9). Divide & transplant rock plants. Prepare heather beds by digging in peat & bone meal (5kg £4.50).
LAWNS:- Re-seed worn areas (grass seed £3.50 per kg.). Aerate & scarify. Apply a dressing of sharp sand (£2 a bag), an autumn feed , 5kg treats 70sq mtrs (£5.50), a selective weed killer and to control moss, lawn sand, 5kg treats 70sq mtrs (£2.50) or spray with an Iron Sulphate solution of 30g per litre of water per 5sqm of lawn (£1.50p for 1kg.). Mow with blades set at medium height.
All horticultural items are available to our members from a range of quality products provided to meet basic gardening needs. Membership is just £5 per annum. You can join by visiting ‘The Hut’, or Click here to down load a membership application form, or by e-mailing us.