E-mail capel.allotments@btinternet.com www.capelallotments.co.uk
Please contact Dennis on site.manager@capelallotments.co.uk. NOW
VEG PLOT :- Pick frost tender crops, clear ground & get started on your winter digging incorporating well rotted manure, composted garden waste or mushroom compost. Plant spring cabbage & Japanese onion sets, also lettuce in ground enriched with Bonemeal (5kg £4). Sow lettuce under cloches.
FRUIT :- Apply grease bands (1.75m, £4.20) or fruit tree grease @ £4.20 at 200g tub, now. Remove fruited raspberry, blackberry & tayberry canes & tie in new shoots. Take cuttings of red, white & black currents & gooseberries. Order trees & bushes.
GREENHOUSE :- Pick last of tomato, cucumber, pepper & aubergines. Empty greenhouse & wash down with Jeyes (300 ml £4) . Line with 1.5m wide bubble plastic (£2 a mtr.) Bring in all frost tender plants. Try sowing spring onions, raddish, carrots, mange tout and lettuce in large pots, transplant lettuce to gro-bags, bags of compost or large pots when big enough.
FLOWERS :- Plant spring flowering bulbs in pots (multi-purpose compost £5, Peat Free £5 or john Innes £4) or outside as soon as space is available. Remove summer bedding and put in compost bin. Plant wallflowers, sweet williams, pansy’s, viola & heather's by the 20th while the ground is still warm. Sow sweet peas. Mulch borders with wood chips & mulching material which is available free of charge to our members from the allotments site or chipped bark at £5 for an 80ltr bag. Divide perennials.
LAWNS:- Re-seed worn areas (grass seed £3.50 per kg.) spray with an Iron Sulphate solution of 30g per litre of water per 5sqm of lawn to treat moss. Aerate & scarify with a wire rake. Apply a dressing of builders sharp sand at £2, an autumn feed, 5Kg treats 70sq mtrs ( £5.50 ). Mow with blades set at medium height.
All horticultural items are available to our members from a range of quality products provided to meet basic gardening needs. Membership is just £5 per annum. You can join by visiting ‘The Hut’, or Click here to down load a membership application form, or by e-mailing us.