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Garden News - July 2017

2 July 2017

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‘BBQ 2017 ‘40th Anniversary’ TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE NOW

(@’The Hut’ or call Graham)

General - Hoe weekly to stop weed seeds germinating. Cut down uncultivated areas and spray re-growth with Bio Glyphosate (100ml £1) ready for next season. Scatter slug pellets (845g £2). Apply path clear weed killer (£1.20 a sachet). Water plants thoroughly with an open ended watering can or hose, do not waste time & water by indiscriminate spraying. Top-dress containers with horticultural grit (£5). Feed weekly with Maxicrop (£2.50 ltr) or Phostrogen (160 cans now half our normal price just £4.30). If going on holiday arrange for a friend to water plants in containers, frames, greenhouse, outdoor tomatoes, marrow's, courgettes & cucumbers. Tell them to pick ALL sweet peas, courgettes, french & runner beans as these will stop producing if left on the plant. Stock up with Restaurant Grade lump wood charcoal @ just £9 for a 12kg bag for those impromptu barbecues.

VEG PLOT: - Plant cabbage, sprouts, broccoli & leeks & 2nd early potatoes for Christmas, earth up when frosts kill tops. Sow salad crops, parsley, french beans & carrots. Pinch outside shoots of non-bush tomatoes, place straw under bush varieties, tie plants regularly to their 4' support canes (30p). Feed weekly. Spray potatoes, & outdoor tomatoes, every 14 days (£1 a sachet) when leaves touch to protect against potato blight. Lift shallots when foliage dies back; dry in the sun ready for pickling. Thin seeds sown in June.

FRUIT: - Watch for red spider mite & codling moth. Check for insects and spray with Sprayday (30 ml £6.30). Protect fruit & plants from bird attacks with 8 meter wide bird netting (£2.50 mtr) or 4 mtr wide Butter fly Net @ £2. Pick soft fruit & tie in new shoots. Tidy strawberry's by removing & burning old leaves, runners & straw. Apply 2 oz. sq. yd. Growmore (5kg £4.50). Dig up three year old stock & destroy. Create a new bed on well manured ground now for a good crop next year.

GREENHOUSE: - Ventilate, provide shade & maintain humidity. Water daily. Take softwood & semi-ripe cuttings. Insert into sandy compost (potting grit £5, Compost £5) in pots (from 3p). Full size rigid trays @ £1.30 & half size flexi's @ 10p are available. Support plants with 2' green canes . Control insects with a ready to use Insect Gun (1ltr £3) Sticky Yellow Traps £1.90. Tie tomato, cucumber, pepper & aubergine plants to their support canes with pvc plant rings. Feed weekly when fruits begin to swell with tomato feed (£2.50 per ltr.) or Tomorite 1ltr. £3. Stop the side shoots on melons @ 18”. Hand pollinate when each shoot has a female flower (brushes 10p). Keep main stem dry. Sow Peas / Mange tout / Sugar snap in compost in guttering for quick germination, water well and slide into a shallow trench outside when 3cm tall.

FLOWERS:-Remove old heads to keep them flowering. Tie in sweet peas to grow up 6' canes (30p). Feed roses after first flush of flowers (2kg rose feed £2). Stake tall herbaceous plants. Mulch borders with chipped bark (80ltr £5) or peat.

LAWNS: - Mow weekly. Apply a granular feed (5kg treats 140sq mtrs for £5.50) or Lawn weed killer, Verdone 500ml £6.


All horticultural items are available to our members from a range of quality products provided to meet basic gardening needs. Membership is just £5 per annum.   You can join by visiting ‘The Hut’, or    Click here   to down load a membership  application form,  or by e-mailing us.